Giving away money at Christmas: are cryptocurrencies gaining the upper hand?

Oh-oh-oh! It’s hard to escape this Christmas season, tree and food topics are out and invading our social media and our screens. To stay true to tradition, today we look at an original study commissioned by the French company, which sought to find out what the relationship between the French was. with your Christmas presents. And to be more precise, there will be money and cryptocurrency under the tree, provided of course you were good!

Key points of this article:

  • The study found that 91% of French people celebrate Christmas, with 51% preferring a traditional material gift and 22% choosing money.
  • Cryptocurrency is attracting increasing interest, especially among young people, with 19% of respondents open to the idea of ​​giving it as a gift at Christmas.

The original study sought to find out the customs of the French when it comes to Christmas gifts

The first key information from this study conducted by the FLASHS Institute and conducted between 2000 French men and women : almost 91% of respondents will celebrate Christmas! That’s a good start, but now let’s see what type of gift the French prefer:

  • 51% of respondents prefer a gift traditional material
  • 22% prefermoney
  • 21% would like to acquire experience travel or excursion type
  • and 6% do not like receiving gifts at Christmas

Regarding the gift of hard cash, the authors emphasize that the more we are young and the more inclined we are to want to receive it. Among the 18-24-year-olds, there are 44% and only 14% among the over-55s. The financial criterion is also important, because the lower the salary, the greater the desire for money at Christmas. Finally, women (26%) are slightly more numerous than men (18%) prefer money to a traditional gift.

If he wants to receive 22% of the respondentsmoneyhowever, the study shows that 90% of them have already offered or received one! So it’s very present popular and now the question arises Why. For 68%, it is practical because the person chooses the gift themselves, for 16% they avoid looking for an idea, 12% consider it too impersonal and 4% are downright annoying that the person in question knows the amount of the gift.

The interviewers then asked whether French was already disappointed to find money under the tree instead of the traditional gift and 83% answered yes! Therefore, money under the tree is not necessarily a good idea, although 67% plan to do so this year.

The original study conducted by FLASHS for sought to understand the relationship of the French to money and crypto as Christmas gifts.
Are you offering bitcoins at Christmas? This is why not for 1 in 5 French people

Put cryptocurrency under the tree? Therefore, not for 1 in 5 French people!

But now let’s move on to our favorite topic and the following question: Would you be willing to give cryptocurrency as a Christmas present? »

  • 49% answered: “no, definitely not”
  • 29% answer “probably not”
  • 19% to answer “yes why not”
  • and only 3% responded “yes sure”

Here are now more lessons from this study, which is still about cryptocurrencies, starting with the number of respondents who yes “more or less advanced knowledge of cryptocurrencies” and which represent 78% of the respondents. He even states 15% among these people. “to have or hold” and 41% would be delighted to find one under the tree! On the other hand, for 46% of the panel, it would be a disappointment find some. Again we find the most enthusiastic among the most young people and especially in Gen Z aged 18 to 24.

Finally, to the question of whether cryptocurrencies could “Find your place under the tree for years to come”it is not for 44% of respondents because it “there remains a niche reserved for the initiated”. 34% of respondents do not know and 22% do “because cryptocurrencies will become more and more popular”.

So money is practical to give and mostly satisfying to receive, but it can also hide something else: “This growing preference for money also reflects increased pragmatism, especially in an uncertain economic context”. Money, an anti-crisis gift? Finally, although cryptocurrencies “perceived as an innovative and sometimes mysterious currency, it arouses growing curiosity among young people” and could happen in the future “a symbol of adaptation to transformations in the economic and technological landscape”. Happy holidays everyone and thank you in advance for your memecoins under the tree!

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