Relay press releases. If bitcoin (BTC) and cryptocurrencies are a revolution for economics and finance on a global scale, it is also revolutionizing the way we approach money. For facilitate adoption cryptocurrencies to as many people as possible, present them in the form of a debit card is a simple way to introduce those who are completely new to the cryptosphere. and exactly Mount Pelerin AND satochip have teamed up to offer such a physical card, credited in Bitcoin.
- Pelerin and Satochip are working together to offer physical Bitcoin gift cards, making cryptocurrency easier for everyone.
- Secured by Satochip, these cards offer the option of cold storage and are presented in the familiar format of a classic bank card.
With these CB gift cards, bitcoins become easily accessible to everyone
This year, December 16, 2024, a Swiss crypto platform Mount Pelerin announced on X his association with satochipoffer physical gift cards v bitcoin.
These are presented in a format visually identical to a very classic bank card, making it a ideal gift (especially with Christmas fast approaching) even for those who are not used to understanding blockchains and cryptocurrencies.
Satochip ensures flawless security for these BTC cards offered by Mt. Cape
When ordering a free amount in bitcoins can be paid in Euros, Swiss Francs or British Pounds Sterling and BTC is then paid as a gift card credit.
Once the physical card is sent and received, the recipient can “simply to preserve BTC sealed on the card as cold storage for the future, or unseal so that i can use them now” according to the Mt Pelerin sales page.
These gift cards are designed by a Belgian company satochip. These are cooling media (cold storage), sealed that use an “open source certified EAL6+ security feature protect the private key “.
If Spot bitcoin ETF allowed a the meteoric adoption of cryptocurrencies among institutional investorswe must also think of the vast majority of individuals who either does not know at all or does not yet fully understand the world of cryptocurrencies. These secure gift cards from Mt. Pelerin and Satochip allow you to have bitcoins in a more tangible and concrete formlike a little one crypto safe !